Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Originally uploaded by sraabs.
This past weekend we took time for what we jokingly call "Thanksmas". Since Thanksgiving is not celebrated in Belgium or the Netherlands and falls on a Thursday, we seldom get to celebrate on the real day. Instead, we get together with other Americans (or interested parties) on a day that works for all of us - which is usually closer to Christmas.

This is always a time of good food, good feelings and good fellowship. We get to have some things we don't generally get, like a great big turkey, pumpkin pie, yams, and such. Many of these foods come with great memories or feelings. It has come to be comfort food.

We play games and even watch a football game (downloaded from the internet). This year we watched Green Bay lose to Atlanta (or should that be Atlanta winning from Green Bay). It's fun, even if you might by chance know the score before watching. For some this is the only time they see American football.

Above all, we all enjoy the time together. This is a time of planning for the coming months, hearing about the ways God has been blessing us, and sharing in new joys, like little Liam who was at this Thanksmas for the first time. Last year we witnessed the birth of Adrian, who gave his life to Christ during this celebration. This year we cooed and drooled over the beauty of a new baby. So many things to be thankful for. We are especially thankful that we make time to share these things together.

(Want to see some more pictures? Click on the picture above or here.)