Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A view of a few of the newest activities

The past two months have kept us pretty busy. Here are a few of the highlights with some pictures to go with it. We are so thankful for how we are able to be used, for the way God is forming us as well.
At the beginning of April Scott went to the European Singles Retreat in Germany to teach on ‘Final Destination: Aliens on our way home’. Singles from all over Europe meet twice a year to encourage one another in their walk with Christ. Scott taught about how our citizenship is in heaven and our culture should be from Christ.
Check out some pictures here or on facebook. For more info see the website.

Two days after the Single’s Retreat Scott and Shirley made a whirlwind tour to Colorado for the wedding of Scott’s best friend, Bret Carter, where Scott was best man. We were only there for 5 days, but were able to get in some quick family visit time as well as meet the bride and her family, meet brothers and sisters from two congregations, and refresh friendships. 

Two days after arriving back in Europe Scott left for a two-day retreat with the Catholic kids from the next village. He and Karla verheijen have been working for years with these groups to encourage the yougn people, their parents and the group working with them to focus on a real life with Jesus Christ. The year’s activities culminate for us with this two-day retreat, which inevitably challenges us with the same question we hope to present to those around us: Am I a cultural Christian, or is Jesus really my life?

the 'new' car
At the end of April Scott headed down to camp to help with some of the work being done there.But before heading down, we had to figure out a car solution. Our car unexpectedly died on the way back from the Single’s Retreat. With all of the activities in between, there had been no time to deal with this need, but now we had a week to look around and a borrowed car to add mobility. Just before the work days at camp we found a ‘new’ car – which looks remarkably like our ‘old’ car and is actually 10 years old (but within budget and with far fewer kilometers). The first test was driving down to camp. The car worked well (and continues to do so) and we got some good work done down at camp. 
The same day of work camp Sean presented his first real EP for his band, Karma Police. This was paid for by the winnings from the contest last year (‘Imagine’) which also saw them go to Romania to perform. More music is on the way. You can hear their music here and purchase their ep. You can also find them on facebook where you can see some of their video's. 

Singing in 4 languages
The first weekend of May saw Scott and Sean driving over to Thayngen, Switzerland for the yearly indoor, international soccer tournament. Scott would present the thoughts around the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, and both ‘boys’ would play soccer. This tournament is an amazing opportunity to bring Christians and friends together from all over Europe, showing what my ‘dad’, Ron Carter (and my best friend, Ron’s son, Bret) always said: Christians know best how to really have fun.
The next weekend the congregation in Maastricht had planned a day down at camp. Philip Dela taught us about how we can forgive – even when we do not feel like it. His original lesson had been on how ‘Christians’ in Africa had taken revenge on Moslims, killing them and dragging them through the streets. This was done, because Christians had also been killied. How should we respond? And where do we find the strength to do this?
Typical of our Maastricht family, we also used the day to write some new songs about forgiveness. One of these songs was written by 3-year-old Liam with his daddy. The Sunday morning after the day at camp all of the new songs were sung. We were pleased to welcome Jia, our Chinese-Maastricht PhD-living-in-Germany who was visiting us for a few days. She let us know a week later that the tune from Liam was still stuck in her head.
The last two weeks have been full of our normal activities as well as the smell of paint. Scott promised Shirley years ago (we won’t go into how many years) that he would paint the ceiling – changing the brown to a shiny white. The paint had been waiting, we simply needed to get it on the agenda - a hard enough task! Although it is not yet finished, we are well on our way.
We pray that you, too, have enjoyed some moments that have challenged your faith and your life in Christ, that you have found some times to share with family and friends, that you have been blessed by the physical blessings in your daily life and that you have been able to be used in many expected and unexpected ways. We have a wonderful and amazing God!