Monday, January 23, 2017

La La La and Who’s who?

One year ends, another begins, and life keeps moving on. We might have to learn how to make our fingers write (or type) that new number, but a lot of what we do remains the same. Our desire and task is to live daily in the will of God – especially in the little things.

A lot of what we are doing has to do with language, singing and relationships. At the end of 2016 we were invited by the congregation in Eindhoven to come for their monthly singing and help out with learning new songs. So now we get to meet with Christians from LiƩge, Maastricht and (soon) Hasselt on the first Wednesday of each month and then again with the members from Eindhoven on the third Wednesday. Learning new songs, enjoying singing together and encouraging one another is an amazing blessing for which we are so thankful.

We are also looking forward to Harding Chorus travelling in Europe. Besides hitting Germany France and the UK they will stop by Maastricht for two days and a concert. We have put together a program with local choirs as well as with the group Scott leads, called LAUS. We hope to not only touch hearts with the songs we sing and through the hearts of the singers, but also to let the neighborhood better know who we are as followers of Jesus. Think about us in your prayer time working up to May 16 and thereafter as well.

Multiple languages is simply a reality in Europe, and as more people arrive from various areas of the world looking for a safe place to live, we want to make the most of this opportunity to let people know who Jesus is. Last year we helped translate a basic book from Let’s Start Talking designed for beginning speakers. The plan was to use these with refugees.
Although we have not been able to begin this yet in Maastricht, in Eindhoven they have a group of refugees as well as a group of internationals looking to learn Dutch better. This means that we are looking at how best to get the normal FriendSpeak materials in Dutch as well. In Maastricht we are watching closely and praying about how best we can do this here. Would you pray with and for us?

Prayer is such a strength. It is in prayer that our relationships become clear. Every Wednsday morning at 7am Jan C. and Scott are together to pray for one another, fo r families, the church, the world and so much more. Brothers and sisters in Long Beach and Woodbury continue to encourage us as well as we take time together praying. What a blessing to know that we are a family and that God is in control. God’s design is glorious!

So we continue with our weekly activities. We meet five times a week with various groups to see what God is telling us in His word. Some of these are Christians and we are encouraging one another to live for Him. Others are those who are seeking God, but don’t always know where to look for what He really desires. Still others are simply trying to figure out how to get along in the relationships they have. We want to keep trying to be an example and a guide in these relationships.

As we look forward to the rest of 2017, we are excited about how God will use us. We just finished looking at 2016 at Ardennen Bible Camp and were excited by how much camp is being used not only for our summer activities, but also throughout the year by various congregations. We were thrilled recently by the news from our brothers and sisters in Long Beach who shared a gracious gift of $6000 to help make a needed renovation of our kitchen possible! This year we are planned to help out with at least two weeks of camp in the summer.

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-24