Thursday, February 15, 2018

The manifold wisdom of God

We have been blessed in our lives to travel quite a lot and see all sorts of different places. In the US we have lived in the Midwest, in the West “and even in Southern California,” he said with a wink in his eye. In Europe we have had the opportunity to travel all over most of western Europe and much of Eastern Europe. But we have realized that there is an amazing variety of beauty and information wherever we are. Look in your backyard (or on your terrace or balcony) and pay attention to what you can see, hear and smell even there.

In all of this variety, God wants to share with us His will, His word and His beauty. I have seen God’s beauty and truth in deserts, in coastal waters, in forests of pine trees or oak, in the rolling plains and the Grand Canyon. In each place there is something else to see, something else to learn.

In the same way, the various people we have in our lives are all opportunities to learn about God’s grace, love and patience – with us and others. This is how our weeks and months pass, in a variety of conversations, studies and activities – just like yours.

With the congregation in Maastricht we are working through a study of ‘The Mighty Deeds of God’ and how we proclaim them. On most Wednesday’s we are reading in Acts to discover and be encouraged by the way the church belongs to the Lord. This ties into a mentoring study that Scott is working on with a brother in the north of the country.

At least three times a month we meet with members from Belgium and the Netherlands to sing together and learn new songs. In March we are organizing a Song Workshop for the 4th time – a day to learn new songs for all the congregations, encourage one another in the beauty of singing together for the Lord. We are also recording these songs so that members can learn and teach them to others.

But each day also brings us back to our time together, what we have been reading in the Word, what God has been teaching us in our daily struggles. And we try to be aware of what we can learn and share. This is no different than the many ways that God has been working in your lives as well.

Would you like to share with us what you have been learning and experiencing? We would love to hear from you and share together, encouraging one another. Drop us an email, leave a message here on the blog, connect with us on facebook. The world is much smaller today than ever before.