I have talked here often about how God continually surprises. I don’t know why I am amazed every time that He does something that I did not expect. Why did I not expect it? Is my faith so small? I have to remember the disciples in the boat as the storm raged and Jesus slept. “Don’t you care that we are going to die” they asked Jesus. He woke up (I imagine him rubbing sleep from his eyes, calmly yawning and looking at them with amazement) and said, “Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?” Then he told the storm to be quiet and it listened. It is THEN that the disciples really got frightened. “Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?”
I have told so many people about this truth. I have seen it in our lives time and again. And still God surprises me because I forget how mighty He truly is. These last months have been some of those times. Let me tell you about one of them.
For years we have cared for our sister in Christ, K. We have counseled her and her husband, who is not a believer. She came to Christ years ago and has done her best to be faithful in spite of the many efforts of her husband, F., to thwart her. He has struggled with all sorts of things in his life as well. When we counseled them, he tried to understand how to change, but couldn’t really see anything that he was doing as wrong.
Most recently F. has also struggled with the relationship with his sons. This frustration often led to explosiveness. He would mention to all who would listen: “I can’t be held responsible for what might happen if you don’t …” The threats were often not even veiled. So at a point, K. let him know that he was not welcome in the house when he came home on the weekend from his ship (he is a shipper on the canals).
He could have fought this - even physically. He could have come home, his home, and smashed things up. He had done this in the past when he had been out to a cafe drinking. But he said that he didn’t want to do those things. He had often said that he wanted to change. Now, as he was confronted with the reality that he really wasn’t desired and that his behavior would no longer be accepted, he started to think.
He still had regular phone contact with K. She let him know that he could talk to me if he needed. So F. called. We talked. Or he talked and I listened. But he became more and more aware that he needed to change. In the end he stated very clearly, “I know I need to change. I want to change, but I don’t know how. I need help.” And when I made it clear to him that we all need help and cannot change without the strength of God, he asked, “Do you really think God can accept me?”
Yes. Yes I do. At least, that is what I have told people for so many years, including F. And so I stated it again - even though I was not at all sure that F could be changed. Was he too far gone? Had he damaged his life and relationships far too much to be able to change? God had shown me in His word that this was not so. Look at the apostle Paul. Look at each of the apostles. John says that the blood of Jesus can cleanse every sin (1 John 1:8-9).
After several meetings over several weeks, trying to make sure that F. understood what God was saying to him and what was needed, we came to a decision point. F had already said that he wanted to be a new man. He understood that it would not be easy. But if it was possible, and I was telling him from the Bible that it was, then he wanted this newness of life. So on September 27, F was baptized into Christ, washing away his old life and putting on the new which is being transformed by the Spirit in Christ.
He knows that he needs to show that he is changing, allowing God to change him. And he is trying. We don’t expect miracles, but we do expect change. And as I have mentioned, God always surprises me with what HE is able to do. We are thankful for our new brother in Christ. K is especially thankful - although she also wants to see for sure that her husband truly does want to change.
This is just one of the amazing things going on in the congregation in Maastricht. God is putting people together here to care for one another and to help people grow in faith. And as this happens, more are being touched - and this in a time that it looks like (seems like) fewer and fewer are finding the beauty of God.
The storm may be raging and it may seem that Jesus is sleeping. But that doesn’t mean that he is not in control. I am so thankful that God amazes. Let Him amaze you in your life. Expect the unexpected - even though you really can’t. He always does more.
Thank you for your encouragement of us and for your prayers for what is going on here. We pray that God is continuing to bless you too ij all you do as you walk with Him, the almighty, loving Father.