Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Daily blessings

We are so blessed! This morning as we went walking along the canal we were accompanied by a beautiful impressionistic sunrise welcoming the day. Within an hour the the clouds had covered up, the temperature dropped and the rain began to fall – all part of Autumn weather. That glimpse of sun, the peace and beauty along the canal, are like all the seemingly inconsequential glimpses of God in our lives that remind us that He is still there, still working and still making things beautiful and complete.

- Shirley and Mieke -

It is this realization that we try to share regularly with some of the people we study with as well. Scott and Shirley both offer English lessons reading the Bible. It is so exciting to see how God can speak through these simple words, the story of His life on earth.

- Cor and Titia at English lessons -

And it’s exciting to wonder how God is going to use us that day as we talk about the things we have read. We are not only sharing God’s word, we are also sharing our lives. It’s so good to know that God is mighty, because sometimes we feel so incomplete.

- Ladies study -

But at the end of the day we are able to enjoy the time we have together. Isn’t it amazing how good it can be to just eat dinner together? Sean can laugh up a storm and infect you with his giggle. We can share a bit of what is happening in the day and know that the next day is going to be good – because God will be there again. It’s just a day, just little things.

- 'Don't try this at home!' -

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed your comment today and will check in from time to time. We had cold weather today, about 9 was the high, but it was clear and blue and the lake was beautiful.
