Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Camping out

- Ardennen Bijbelkamp -
This past Sunday we held an annual meeting of the incorporation for our Bible Camp (the incorporation is called Guardians of the Faith). This legal construction allows us to do the legal things we need to do to keep camp running, but it is all fo the members who give of their time that makes camp possible. I am the vice-chairman, so I get to chair the meeting, act important and look silly (in the summer it is the other way around). This is a meeting we are required to have, so it is not always that well attended. But it always reminds me of the reality of what camp is.

The Ardennen Bible Camp was started over 50 years ago by brothers and sisters in both the Dutch- and French-speaking churches because they saw the need to encourage one another in faith and realized that doing this in such a beautiful place only helps. The place we meet now is not that much different from the beginning (although we do have running water, plumbing, electricity and buildings!) Still, it is the people who continue to give of their lives in faith that make this place so special.
- working on the future -
This year we were able to announce that we may be able to add to the facility by the Fall of 2006. That is something that we have been dreaming about for about 10 years now. We will add a floor and rooms above the meeting hall which will make the facility useable in all seasons. Mind you, we hold a winter camp anyway, but that is only for the hearty souls (no heating, sometimes, no water). But it will not change what is essential for a good camp: christians willing to give up a week of their time (and money – some even pay to come help) to share their faith, experiences and time with others (kids, teenagers, youth and families). That is exciting!
- Enjoying camp! -
This year Shirley and I will lead the “Benjamins” (8-11 year-olds) as we look at the gospel of Luke. Stephan will be a counselor. It still seems a long way off since we are still in January, but we look forward to the time we will get to be back at camp. If you get a chance to come visit, think about coming during our Family camp in the second week of August. Meet brothers and sisters from all over the Dutch-speaking area. We will be looking for you.

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