Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Keep on talking

The other day I had a discussion. Now, in Flemish that could mean that I had an argument or that I simply talked about something with someone. Actually it was a bit of both. I have always been a bit of a fiery discusser (sounds like an interesting word so I thought I’d use it, whether it exists or not). But I need to learn to temper my temper so that I can communicate better.

It was a good talk with our co-workers. We talked about how much we have missed communication in the congregation. We know that things are going on in everyone’s lives, but no one talks about what is going on. We aren’t acting much like the family we want to be. But we DO want to be able to communicate better. It was so refreshing just to be able to speak openly with one another. We know that we care for each other, that we don’t want to hurt one another. So we were able to talk about some misunderstandings and were able to encourage one another to get on with being the family that God has made us.

One of the things we had to get used to when we first moved here were the differences between the Dutch, the Flemish and American cultures. The Dutch talk about being ‘honest’. An American would call it ‘rude’. The Flemings tend to keep their thoughts to themselves, but they are definitely thinking plenty. This all makes for an interesting mix when we are working with Flemings and Dutchmen in the church – and we are still American. Still, we are learning that there are good parts to all of these cultures. In this recent discussion it was good to be able to be clear, honest and open – without being rude. We just need to keep on talking – and listening to one another.


  1. That is probably one of my favorite things about the major I am in here at Oklahoma Christian (Teaching English as a Foreign Language and my minor is Missions). We had a whole class on intercultural communication and all of our other classes somehow tie unto it, just because communicating is such an important aspect of life, esecially within the church! And its important for people to know that others communicate differently than we do!
    I also find it interesting and disappointing to see how many people do not realize this.

  2. Yeah, we need communication - and real communication - or all we are left with is 'dzetjuqs' (the word verification 'word' for my comment) :-)

  3. It's hard for a church to learn to communicate well, and it's hard for a team to keep up its communication skills. We get lax and give up, thinking that others will read our minds. The Swiss don't talk much about themselves, and don't ask for help except from family, big challenges to becoming closer in Jesus.
