Friday, March 24, 2006


I just got through giving the dog a bath. When we lived in Abilene we had a dog named Shimmy (we name our dogs by what they first do - she shimmied across the floor at every opportunity). She LOVED taking a shower. You had to make sure that the bathroom door was closed when you took a shower or you would find a dog jumping in with you!

Snuffles is another case altogether. You have to make sure that the door to the bathroom is shut - otherwise she will escape. It was interesting to see how she reacted (this was not her first bath with us) when she finally realized why she was allowed in the back (where the bathroom is). She smelled the soap, I think, cocked her head and headed straight for the door.

She doesn't try to jump out or anything, and she is a manageable dog anyway. But she does NOT want to be there. When we are finished, she doesn't want to be dried off (with towels), she wants to be dry - right away- and preferably by rolling on the ground (which doesn't dry anything). Today when we got the hairdryer going, she calmed down a bit more, until we got out the brush and she settled down completely - just stood there and let me comb her out.

She reminds me of others. Sometimes getting clean doesn't sound too great. This summer we have the "Benjamins" at camp (the 8-11 year-olds). During this week we usually have to force the boys to take a shower at least once (before they go home and have to have the dirt chiseled off them by their parents!).

I think I'd rather be like Shimmy - running to get clean at every opportunity, but I am afraid I am more like Snuffles at times. It can seem like a hassle getting clean, but it sure feels good once you're there!

1 comment:

  1. Snuffles will, especially just after a bath, go looking for every puddle around in order to walk through it! And that's quite a task for a blind dog!
    Good thing your dog has a family - and a good one at that. :-)
