Monday, June 19, 2006

Two times a dad

I have the pleasure, or privilege, or luck to be able to celebrate Father’s Day twice. In Belgium they celebrate on the second Sunday, while in the US and the Netherlands they celebrate it on the third Sunday. So when I am proudly displaying the homemade tie or memo pad or special thing that my sons made (when they were in elementary school), most of the Dutch people we have contact with just shake their heads and make some comment (those Belgians – always different!). But the next week, I receive all the congratulations from the Dutch people.

I have to admit, I have always felt a bit ambiguous about this holiday. It is extremely commercial, and I don’t like that at all. But I also wonder what it really means. Is being a father simply being able to sire children. I don’t think so. There are plenty of men who have sown their seed and never waited around for the wonderful moment of birth, let alone hang around to help raise the children and let them know what it really means to be a man.

I remember both the birth of Stephan and Sean. I do have to admit that I agree with Bill Cosby when it comes to these beautiful creatures. To me and Shirley, those screaming blood-covered, slimy things were the most beautiful beings in the world. Thankfully, most people are willing to lie politely to you when you mention that to them. I am so thankful that I have had the opportunity to see as clearly as that when my sons were born.

I remember still how very special and strange it was when we welcomed Stephan into the world. He was born on Halloween, so when I turned proudly to see those waiting to see my wonderful son all I saw were a bunch of people in strange costumes and masks! Sean on the other hand couldn’t wait to get out and gave Shirley early labor signs. When he finally arrived it was with gusto. His ‘big’ brother Stephan held him and didn’t worry about the blood still on his head.

Today I am so proud to be a father of these wonderful boys who are growing each and every day in the love of God. I am so thankful for the little bit of time that I have to spend with them – borrowing them as it were. Stephan is still so full of love. Sean is still wanting to grow up quickly and has a heart of gold. That’s being a father – taking the daunting responsibility of doing your best to show them what is good, what it really means to be a man. I am thankful for my dad, who taught me and four other boys (and my sister!) some wonderful things.

And I get to celebrate this twice! How blessed can you get?

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