Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A nice story

I have been reading the Bible with a Chinese PhD student since Fall last year. We have read through John and finished Luke last night. LJ always has very good questions and comments on the story and on what it means for life. She says herself that she believes in God, even though that is not a common thing.
Last night we read the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. "Whoa!" she said when we finished. "That's quite a story. But I see it as a very nice story." Her emphasis was on the 'storyness' of it. She has stated various times how hard it is for her to accept some of the things that we are reading. And from the beginning I have let her know that she is not alone. In this text we even see the disciples who just saw Jesus in Emaaus and then are surprised to see him alive when they return to Jerusalem!
Jesus dying is something that many people may not like (it is gruesome and extremely sad) but are willing to accept. After all, we see examples everyday of man's injustice to man. But a resurrection? I realized last night how difficult that is when I saw it through her eyes. In the West we are used to hearing the story (and perhaps accepting without thought and thereby latently rejecting it). She is coming from a different place in thought.
As we left the library she reminded me that there are things in Asian thinking that are difficult for Westerners to understand as well. "So don't be upset if I cannot accept this right now," she said, with hope in her eyes of being able to understand it at some later date. It has been good for ME to look at this 'nice story' and see what I really accept and believe and what it means to my life.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Hi Scott!

    Sounds like you've been having good lessons with her. I have to admit that seeing the "stories" through fresh eyes was always one of the more exciting parts of having lessons with readers. Amazing what we get so comfortable with that we just gloss right over it anymore!

    Hope all is well with everyone!

    Love, Sue
