Since most of us cannot get together on a Thursday, we usually plan Thanksgiving some time later - this time at the beginning of December. We of course have to get it in before Sinter Klaas (Dec. 6).
This year we got together with about 50 other people in Eindhoven to enjoy the food and good company. The guys got to wash up afterwards, the ladies played dominoes and the kids lost themselves in with the fussbal table.
We were especially glad that Li Jia could come with us. We also brought Khrystyna, who is a Ukrainian au pair living in the next village. She heard of us from a friend of hers in Eindhoven and has made a point of getting to services every Sunday, even thought that is quite difficult.
(To see some more Thanksgiving photo's, just click on the photo above.)
Every once in a while (hopefully at least six times a year) we try to get together for a 'hootenanny' in Antwerp. Since Paul and Carol Brazle have been gone (they are the missionaries in residence at Oklahoma Christian), it has been a little harder. They put these evenings together. A hootenanny is a time to eat hotdogs (chilidogs), have some good conversations, meet new people and play or listen to guitar songs.
Most of the time a few young people get out their guitars to learn a bit from those who already know how to play a little. This time it was fun to have Stephan there with his guitar, as well as Roxanne. We play some John Denver, Beatles or such - or if we are really ambitious, Plain White T's (Stephan had "Delilah" on his computer and it wasn't that hard).
(For some more pics on the hootenanny, click on the photo above.)
Listen Up! had only one concert this end-of-year, but it was a doozy. We had been asked to take part in the "Shepherd's Walk" which is a three hour long walk along woods and farms stopping at certain places where a part of a play is presented. The purpose of the play is to tell the visitors the whole story of who Jesus is and why he came to earth.
The day was beautiful - nice and dry, sun shining during the day. Of course the play started in the evening and clear weather means cold weather. We dressed warm, knowing that we would be singing for at least nine different groups of walkers making their way past our section of the play. To be honest - we had it easy compared to the young actors (check out the pictures by clicking on the picture above). We only sang two songs each time, but it was nice being able to take part.
In between all of this we also celebrated Sinter Klaas, Shirley's birthday and have been trying to get our shopping done for Christmas. December can be pretty busy - but we are also getting plenty of time together. The boys have their exams, but that means they are home after lunch, studying (or complaining that they have to study). We are so thankful that we can enjoy the time we have together!
Thank you for reminding us of one of the great fellowship times the 'hootenanny'. We miss those and you.
Tim & Deb
Merry Christmas from the Tryggestads (Erik, Jeanie and, coming around Jan. 16, Maggie)