Thursday, December 18, 2008

Looking back and forward

Eugene visit
Originally uploaded by sraabs.
A few weeks back we had the pleasure of seeing Evgeny Voronkin in Maastricht again. Eugene (or Genya) - as he said we could call him - was first in Maastricht about six years ago while working at a computer programming company in the city.

It was there that he worked with Ken Yamashita. Genya is a christian from Tomsk, Siberia (Russia). He was the first real person I had met from Siberia - a bit of proof that people really do live there. And Genya very definitely wants Jesus as his Lord every day. This is something that was evident in his work, and Ken noticed it. After some talking, some studying and some praying, Ken was baptized into Christ late in the evening at our neighbors' house (they had a bigger bathtub).

Now Genya is married and soon to have two children (a three-year-old son will soon be joined by a daughter) and he was in the Netherlands for a job interview. The company in Amsterdam not only hired him, they also hired three other guys from Russia. So in the Spring Genya, Tania and his family will be moving to the Nettherlands.

While he was here for his interview it was great to visit with him and to go visit Ken, who now lives in Leiden and has also begun his family in the Netherlands (you can see his wife and daughter in some of the pictures of the visit by clicking on the picture). We are looking forward to how God will use this family in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. Reading about Genya, reminded me of your comment on how the world gets smaller through Christ.
    Thanks for sharing how Genya's daily life and work influenced Ken. An example of putting Jesus as Lord of everyday glorifies God.
