Monday, March 02, 2009


It has been a while since we've talked. Sometimes I want to wait until there is something BIG to announce. Something exciting happening. But the last two months have all mostly been preparation for things that are coming. 

How much "stuff" do you have? Do you have stuff in which to put your stuff? We have lots of stuff, with lots of stuff in it. God has always blessed us with enough, and people bring us things, knowing that we will be able to get it to those who need it (or sometimes simply because they didn't want to bring it to the trash). And we have been blessed with a house large enough to hide things away. But now we are removing a whole section of that house, and that meant getting rid of stuff. 

Stuff in the form of papers and pictures, books and folders. What do you do with all those things you were going to read? You can't throw "that" out, it could come in handy some day! And that memory means so much (which is why you found it under a pile of books under a pile of papers, at the back of the cupboard you hardly ever open). It needs to get sorted!

Stuff in the form of clothes ("remember those jeans!"), shoes and boots ("oh he was soooo cute in those"), coats and socks (do you have one of those sacks of unmatched socks too!!!) Stuff in so many forms - things. It all needed to get out of the way, because they are coming to demolish soon. But in order to put it somewhere, we needed to make room where all the other stuff was. 

Short story long, (or is it the other way around), we have gotten rid of lots! And boy does that feel good! Clean it up, sort it out, move it, throw it, junk it. You can gather so much over the years. And this was a very good time to think about what was gathering dust in our spiritual lives as well. It's good to check things out, sort things through, throw away the junk and keep what is really good and necessary. 


  1. Don't you feel lighter and more nimble now? It feels good to be free of 'stuff.'

    Excellent job!

  2. You're right. I've been decluttering our garage. It is not always easy to sort through the memories and emotional ties to stuff.

    Your other point is well taken. We need to see what we have stuck in our spiritual cupboards and not seen in a long time. Reevaluate and display the really good stuff.

  3. Moving across the ocean definitely helped us get rid of a lot of unneeded stuff...but we still have too much! And it seems to replicate itself exponentially! Argh.

    And yes, the same thing happens spiritually. Yet another reminder that we need to re-evaluate constantly so as to keep our souls uncluttered.
