Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hope to see you!

Our travel plans
Originally uploaded by sraabs.
This summer we will be traveling all over the States, visiting family and church family. As usual, we are looking forward to seeing so many of you and getting to catch up on how God is blessing your lives.

This little map will give a bit of an idea of where we will be going. Thanks to some wonderful brothers and sisters we will be able to make this trip a road trip - since it will probably be the last time we make this trip as a complete family.

We will arrive in Minneapolis on June 30, move on down to Muscatine, Iowa on July 9 and further on to Omaha, Nebraska on the 13th of July. Three days later we ill drive over to Colorado Springs where we will stay until the evening of the 23rd when we drive up to Denver.
We leave Denver on the 25th on our way to a stop-over in Grand Junction, after which we move on to Las Vegas. After a few days in the desert, we arrive in Long Beach on the 28th of July, where we stay until August 5 (with a trip down to San Diego).
On August 5 we travel to Flagstaff, Arizona, where we spend the night. The next day takes us to Albuquerque, New Mexico. We may hook up with some friends in Clovis on the way to Abilene, Texas. We will be in Abilene until August 15 when we travel up to Haslett, Texas for a few days. On the 19th we are considering traveling to Oklahoma City before moving on to Searcy, Arkansas where we can install Stephan.
A few days in Searcy willbring us to August 23 when we drive on, without Stephan, towards Naples, Florida, stopping in Oxford, Alabama. We arrive in Naples on the 24th of August and drive over to Miami to fly home on the 26th, hoping to be able to speak Dutch by the time we get back.

Along the way we look forward to vacation Bible schools, a Summer Breeze reunion, birthday celebrations and lots of good fellowship. We hope to see you! Let us know how we can get together if we are in your neck of the woods.


  1. Megan Eck12:24 AM

    We are in Oklahoma City! :)

  2. Looking forward to catching the whirlwind tour of the 'Family Raab'.
