One of the things that
we so want to encourage in our youth is to really get to know Jesus. That is
what we consistently hear from Jesus in the gospels: Follow me. When Philip
asks Jesus to show them the Father, Jesus replies, “Philip, have I been with
you so long and you still don’t know me? If you have seen me you have seen the
Father.” (John 14:8-9)
So we took time from
Saturday afternoon until Sunday afternoon to meet Jesus and see what we could
learn about him in those meetings. Along the way we also had fun with eggs, a
scavenger hunt and marshmallows around a fire. We spent time developing
relationships with each other while we developed our relationship with Jesus.
I am always impressed
by young people who are not only able but who are also willing to listen to the
Word and dig into what is being said. We looked at the 12-year-old Jesus in the
temple, at Jesus on the mountain and feeding the 5000, at Jesus washing the
feet of the disciples and why he could do this, at Jesus in the garden and walking
over the sea. The challenge now is to read one of the gospels in the coming
month to continue getting to know Jesus. Why not read along with us? Choose a
gospel and take the time to get to know Jesus. We can talk about what you have
found next month.
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