We enjoyed
visiting and worshipping with the congregation at Pike’s Peak avenue, seeing
old friends – brothers and sisters. John took Scott on a tour of the old
neighborhoods: Palmer High School, Horace Mann, and the house on Illinois. On
Tuesday we got together as family at Fargo’s Pizza – a memory in itself –
and met some new people, ready for new memories.
We were also
blessed to see Scott’s ‘other’ brother, Bret, and spend time with he and his
wife, Sarah and of course meet their newest addition, Ippi. Ippi has a radar
for cameras and knows immediately if one is pointing at here – the smile
brightens on her face! And what a smile, what a cutie. Bret and Scott were able
to strum a few tunes and join their voices with Julie Carter as well – as in
days past when a Summer Breeze blew (couldn’t resist that line).
Preaching at the
congregation in Wheat Ridge meant meeting new people as well as old. We had a
great visit for lunch afterwards – lots of memories. Back at Chris and
Lynette;s we enjoyed good conversations in the kitchen (which felt like being
home). That evening Scott’s sister, Barb, dropped in to share some time and
good laughs – introducing us to crazy faces on snapchat, among other things.
All along the way
we were cared for immensely: John and Yumiko, Chris and Lynette made sure that
our visit was comfortable and that we were definitely loved. It is good to have
a place of peace and rest. And we were so thankful to be able to spend time
with Scott’s Mom in each of these places.
As we move on to
the next stop – in Texas – we are so thankful for how God makes family. Fathers
and mothers, brothers and sisters – it is God’s design. Sometimes things get a
bit different, there are struggles, but we belong to each other. And that is
how it is in God’s family as well. We are so thankful for the memories we were
able to follow and for the moments we were part of. You can see some of our
memories here.
Finally, brothers and sisters,
whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or
praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or
heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be
with you. Philippians
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