Friday, February 07, 2020

Winter Light

As usual, time flies by when you are not looking. And suddenly we are in the second month of a new year, having rushed through the last days of a decade (or do we still have one more year?). Although, to be honest, we did not really rush through December. We especially did our best to enjoy the few days we had with a Christmas visit from Sean and Jill. They could only spend a few days with us, but it was so good to enjoy meals together, laugh at some game times and just be able to hug on them before they headed back to the Big Apple. 

The end of December was a beautiful segue into the new year with Winterkamp in the Ardennes. In a weekend of winter sun, a intimate group of young people examined the powerful reality of silence - being quiet so that we can hear God and being silent so that He can do His work. It was a needed reminder of how mighty God is and how wonderful it is that He wants us to walk with Him. 
And suddenly, we were walking into a new year, a new decade (unless we have another year). But as always, this means simply taking one day at a time and giving that day to our King of kings. After a month of special get-togethers and activities, we returned to our ‘normal’ schedule of studies and days of service. As we have mentioned before, our week is never really quite ‘normal’, but it is an exciting flexible challenge where we are confronted with questions: What do you believe? What keeps you going? How do you serve? Who is on your team? 

I want to pay some attention to some of those questions in the coming days here as I find time. But for now, we are preparing for a Spring concert with Harding University chorus and looking at how we can help members from one of our supporting churches (Muscatine) serve while visiting us here and in Ghent. 

In the meantime, the crocuses have popped their heads out, down in the yard under the walnut tree. It froze this morning, after several weeks of warm weather, so we will hope they survive. Sunday is supposed to bring a storm (and many of you have already experienced challenging weather). But we walk in the light, as Jesus mentioned to His disciples. There is plenty to do. Thank you for your support and encouragement of us here, and thank you for your faithfulness in serving Him where you are. 
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”  John 8:12

There are a few pictures up about our end-of-year activities (and some of Chester) if you are interested. 

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