Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Once upon a time Wednesday - When Romans walked

Maastricht has been around for quite some time. The name of the city is originally “Trajectum ad Mosum” - Latin for “trajectory over the Maas”. The Romans built a fortification at the point where the river could be traversed. There are still remnants of the old Roman civilization downtown. 

Our house in Belgium, just across the border, is in Neerharen, which was another spot where the Roman army could ford the river. The main road running not far from our house was a Roman highway (and is still called the “heirbaan” which means the road of the army). 

In the next village, archeologists found parts of an old Roman villa. Some well-to-do Roman citizen established his home out in the fields not far from the river. So the Roman army and plenty of Roman citizens were well established here in this area around the time that Jesus was walking on the earth in Jerusalem. 

I love making that point with people as we read the gospel of Luke, that great historian and gospel writer. Everyone here understand perfectly that the Romans were here. It brings things home when you can point out that Jesus was actually here on earth as well. 

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