Monday, May 29, 2023

Familiar Faces (Home Assignment 2023 Indiana and Illinois)

Familiar. Well-known. Part of the family. All along this journey we will be meeting many people we have never met before. We stop at 4 of our supporting congregations where things have changed since we last were there four years ago. At the same time, we are getting the chance to see people we know very well and are or have become family. 

After Iowa, we drove across Illinois to drive into Indiana - specifically Indianapolis. This is not only where Stephan and Natalie live, but where Scott’s youngest brother, Mike, and his family live. So we were looking forward to plenty of family time with people we love but haven’t seen in quite some time. 

Unfortunately, we were not able to see Mike and Amy, Scott’s brother and sister-in-law, along with their boys and growing family. In the week that we arrived, several came down with a bug. So we settled on being able to hear one another’s voice over the phone, catching up on news about the kids. Mike is Scott’s youngest brother and his kids are younger than Scott’s. Just the same, they are starting to fly the nest as well and it was good to catch up on how things are changing. 

Our sons of course have been making their own nests for a few years now. We were welcomed by Stephan and Natalie on the evening we drove in with a meal at a nice restaurant to celebrate Mother’s Day and a walk along the Monon trail. We finally got to hug on Stephan and our daughter-in-love Natalie, whose healthy rounded form told its own story of life to come and a new face to get to know at some point. 

In the coming days we were treated to various familiar places and faces. We speak with Stephan almost every Tuesday - online. Now we could see many of the things we have heard him speak about. It was like stepping for a short time into their life and it became even more real, even though it was already familiar in a way. 

We all went out disc golfing in the afternoon at two different parks. A former colleague of Stephan’s came as well and Shirley walked along with the dogs (who usually would have come, attached to Stephan’s bag). We all got our walk in on that day and we ended it at a pub near Stephan’s house where he took part in a darts contest for his darts league. The next evening we also got to visit a favorite coffee place where Stephan and Natalie had spent time writing together (NaNoWriMo). 

On the Saturday we were over at the house and could see what we had thus far only seen through a screen. There was where Stephan sat as he talked to us. And there was the background in the office. Now we could see how the floors had come out. We had heard about all the work that went into fixing up the house. It was exciting to see them in their place. And we were also able to see more familiar faces as Natalie’s parents and her sister and brother-in-law came over for a cookout. 

Although we only get back to the US about every three years, we had been able to meet and get to know Natalie’s parents, Jay and Pauline, four times before. We had visited in 2012 (for the wedding), 2016 and 2019 and they had come over to Europe once as well with their middle daughter Hailey. Now we were able to share time again, this time out on a boat on a lake, while the boys (Stephan and his brother-in-law Brett) tried to catch fish. 

Earlier that day we had worshipped with the congregation at Green Valley in Nobles, Indiana. We had been here in the past and found them to be very much like the family in Maastricht. Walking in the door you are greeted by members of all ages asking if they can help, answering any questions you might have. Afterwards we stood drinking coffee and talking for about 30 minutes with people we had many unexpected connections with. We might have played soccer together in 1987 in Florence, Italy!

Our last evening in the city we drove over to Stephan and Natalie’s for a movie night (The Princess Bride). We first went to the store and splurged on some candy for the evening - many things we hadn’t seen since we were kids (see the picture of our stash). We were so thankful to have been able to share this time with our kids, share the baby shower gifts from church members in Minnesota, and see so many familiar faces. 

We drove out of Indianapolis on the last leg of our Midwest tour and headed to South Bend. Stef Bardoel (son of one of our members in Maastricht and long-time friend) is studying in Notre Dame and we wanted to see him again since we were in the area. He welcomed us to ‘his’ campus again (we had also been in 2016) and we shared a meal and plans for the future.

Driving on we braved the Chicago traffic to get to our last stop on this tour - visiting with Jimmy and Amy Schellekens and their kids. Scott has known Jimmy since Jimmy was 2 years-old. As an adult Jimmy also came on missions to Maastricht. Now he and his wife Amy live and work in the Chicago area and have two kids. So we once again saw familiar faces and met new faces that have come familiar. And family. 

The next day saw our last and longest Midwest drive as we took our road warrior car back to its owner. We were able to share some good and encouraging conversation on the driveway before being brought to a wonderful hotel room to rest before our trip the next day to Texas. We are so thankful for the opportunity to have seen so many family members so far and meet so many new family and church family members. Check out our pictures here

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