Monday, August 07, 2023

Talking to God

This past week we were down at camp with the teen group looking at how to swim against the tide, or live upside-down. This was based on the various things that Jesus teaches in Matthew 5-7, including talking about telling the truth, how to treat others, dealing with anger or desires, and how we look at what is most important in our lives.

The group of teens we had were a real encouragement to us all, really getting into the lessons and putting them into practice each day with one another. The full week of (mostly) rain couldn’t stop the fun. In fact, they even had a water-fun day in the middle of the rain. They were already wet, after all. 

We also talked about prayer during the week and had plenty of opportunity to put the things we learned into practice. During the week one of the campers fell and broke her collar bone, but it was fairly late. We had to wait the night out and she was able to go home in the morning to be treated. We also practiced being kind to one another and worked on how we use our tongue. 

During this week, I went off for the afternoon to lead a funeral in Eindhoven of a dear sister in Christ. We were able to share time looking at her life and combining two families: her blood family and her church family. We were so thankful to be able to share what she had learned in her life with Christ and to see how God had used her characteristics in her new life. Her family (who are not believers) were pleased to see that her church family also knew who she was. 

When we got home from camp and were able to catch our on emails and messages and more (there is no internet at camp and poor reception), we were confronted with the news that our young nephew (25) had passed away, leaving behind his wife, son and son-on-the way as well as his parents and brothers. We are so thankful that we know that God not only hears us, but is very much aware of what is happening and what we need. 

This is also what we are talking about this week down at Family Camp. I will be teaching one of the lessons based on “Give us today our daily bread” but am also teaching the teens every day for the second lesson of the day. Today’s lesson was on God’s kingdom. It is thrilling to see how these young people are willing to examine what the Word says and to talk about how God can be part of their lives. 

Thank you for you prayers and blessings for my birthday, for the messages we have already received about our family, and for the prayers offered for our camp weeks. We are so thankful that we have these opportunities to share what God has brought us and taught us. Know that God knows who you are and is listening. Now we need to ask ourselves if we are willing to listen top Him. 

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