Monday, December 04, 2023


As a parent, I am quite familiar with this question. At a certain age, all children will ask this question. And that is good. It is a question we all should continue asking throughout our lives. I also recognize this question from may time as a teacher. A good student will ask this question regularly. A good teacher, or parent, will be willing to answer the question to the best of their ability. 

Of course it is important that such a question be genuine. How often might a child start on a series of “why’s” just to make sure that bedtime is slightly delayed? The question can be repeated after every answer or explanation. It becomes a time of game. Students can do the same thing. But then we are not really looking for an answer or to grow. We are simply playing a game. 

It isn’t uncommon for us to run into people who ask “why” as a game. But more than not we have people asking some really good questions and looking for answers. Most recently the question was asked: “Why did Jesus have to die just a cruel death?” This was asked by a woman I visit with every two weeks. Since she is Catholic and knows that I am not she usually asks something like - “Do you have John the Baptist as well?” My response is most often to point to what we can read in the Bible. “If it is in the Bible, we have it.”

So also with the question she asked most recently. God’s word shows us from the beginning how loving God is to have come up with a way for us to be saved - in spite of ourselves. That is often the other question I hear: “Why didn’t God just take our sin away if He is almighty?” As a matter of fact, that is one of the questions one of our young people has asked recently as he is considering giving his life to Jesus. 

We can see throughout the Bible that God loves us and created a way for us to be with Him throughout eternity. But did it have to be so gruesome? That was a good question. Was it possible for Jesus to have died for us, innocent as He was and therefore paying righteously for what we deserved and clearing the path for us to be with God, but in a less gruesome manner? The question made for some good conversation (and I would love talking with you about it if you would like - just send me an email). 

Other questions have popped up throughout our conversations in the last weeks. We talk about Jesus, His life and what it means for us several times a week. We have at least one study on Monday, three studies on Tuesday, two on Wednesday and at least one on Thursday and Friday. “Why do we have to suffer as we are trying to follow God?” “Why am I even here on earth?” 

It is exciting to be able to share how amazing God is. It is also a good challenge regularly. Along the way we are also able to confront some of our own “why” questions that come up in our conversations with others. We are so thankful for so many who have made it possible for us to be here sharing God’s love and grace. We are thankful for those who have been an example in the past as we questioned. And thank you so much for praying for us as we try to answer questions.

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