Monday, January 15, 2024

Getting stronger, staying strong

It is a new year. Sometimes we use this time to decide to do new things. Sometimes we use it to get back to things we had wanted to do. It can be a time of new beginnings. The same is true for us. We often don’t realize that our bodies are getting bit older. I am often surprised at what I look like when I walk by a mirror. So we want to stay healthy and maybe even get stronger. 

Both Shirley and I try hard to eat well. We pay attention to what we eat and try not to overdo anything. Mind you, we also don’t stress out too much if we do something special every once in a while. The holidays were times to be with family and friends and enjoy those times, not obsess about how many sweets or fats we were eating. But we do try to keep things healthy. 

Both of us also try to keep our bodies physically healthy. Shirley has been trying to get a walk in every day and she takes me along with her when I am at home during the day. We both used to0 be able to do this with the dog, but Chester has been gone almost two years now. So getting out, in wind and rain and snow and cold has been a challenge. But it feels good. 

I try to keep up on some exercises for my core. While I will probably never have a six-pack (and don’t care that I do not), I want to make sure that the sitting I do doesn’t take over my body. Sometimes this means pushing myself to do things I feel less thrilled about doing. But it always feels good afterwards. And I notice that having this basic health helps in everyday life as well. 

The same applies to our spiritual life. We have been Christians for more than 40 years. We could (and sometimes do) get a bit ’squishy’ with our Bible knowledge or application. It is easy to think you have already figured everything out or have already read enough. And yet, every time I read the Bible - and there is not a part I have not read before - I am struck by what the father of my best friend always said: I always come across something new. We all live in seasons and God’s word applies to those seasons. So some things we only realize or learn in later life. 

Recently we have shared with several of the people we are mentoring weekly how we read and apply in our lives. Reading a bit of the New Testament with a bit of the Old Testament helps to keep things in perspective and helps in understanding the Old Testament beter. Reading the gospels again and adding bits of Proverbs or Psalms keeps things well-rounded and focused on Jesus, our King. 

And just like any exercise for our body, if we only watch a YouTube video about it or read about it from a guideline, it will not help our body. An exercise is only useful when we actually put it into practice. So too with our Bible reading. It has been exciting at the beginning of this year to see so many in the congregation in Maastricht doing just this. Not only have there been plenty of good questions about the Word, there have already been some good struggles in application. And it is clear that we, and others, want to keep it up as we continue into this new year. 

What are your habits for staying spiritually healthy? 

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