Monday, March 04, 2024

Ladies on top of the mountain

This past week was another wonderful opportunity for international cooperation and growth. Every year the ladies in Europe plan a Ladies retreat at the beginning of March. Different groups do the organizing, but ladies come from around Europe: Benelux, Germany, France, Switzerland and Great Britain. Because of refugees in Europe, there are also ladies from Ukraine who attend. 

Shirley went with a group from the congregation in Maastricht which included our young Ukrainian sister for the first time. She mentioned when we picked her up on the way to join the car going to the retreat that as she had been worrying about it. But then she was talking with a therapist she has (as a refugee) and mentioned what the theme was: Questions from Jesus. Questions like: Why are you afraid? Why do you not trust? And she realized that she didn’t have to be afraid. 

It was exciting to hear afterwards how well it went for her. There were other Ukrainians present for the weekend and she was able to translate for them from English. This from a young lady who, when she arrived, could barely say anything in English. Now she speaks English quite well and can understand a good bit of Dutch as well. She saw how God was using her in the weekend, assisting and encouraging others. 

The weekend, held at a youth hostel in Germany, starts on a Thursday evening and goes through to Sunday afternoon, with the ladies getting home just before dinner on Sunday evening. This gives the husbands enough time to get the house cleaned up and dinner ready before the wife returns (or at least that is always my plan). I am always thankful that Shirley has always arranged for food while she is gone, showing me what is in the refrigerator and explaining again how to do things (I do not cook very often). 

We are thankful for these kinds of opportunities. Shirley was with her sisters from Maastricht, but was also able to see others from around Europe. There was also one of the ladies we have had contact with in the past who lives in Brussels and seeks guidance and assistance from Christian brothers and sisters. That is what we are all about as a family, a body. We are thankful this year for the sisters from Switzerland who organized the retreat. Next year will be organized by sisters from Germany and France. 

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