Monday, October 14, 2024

Conversations that connect

The past few weeks have brought us some wonderful conversations. The coming weeks will offer more opportunities. We are so thankful for the various ways that we can talk to people and how God works through those conversations. 

Some of the conversations have been in person. We had a wonderful visit from Rudy and Pam Schellekens from Muscatine. We had worked with them in the past and they are a part of our lives and of how we were formed by God. As you have been able to read, they helped out with our Youth Day and Rudy spoke for us on the Sunday they were here. We also enjoyed a day in Maastricht taking them around to the various sights. 
Just after they left we hoped to be able to see some other old friends (Dottie Schulz and her daughter, Rachel), but due to sickness we had to adapt our visit. We had driven up north to stay with Jim and Ruth Krumrei for the night before visiting Dottie the next day. Dottie was not feeling well, so we had a great day with Jim and Ruth. Jim was Scott’s mentor back when Scott first came to the Netherlands. 

We had actually just seen Jim and Ruth at a wedding celebration for Ruud and Karla’s youngest daughter. We were thankful for the conversations at that meeting as well. We saw some of Ruud’s family who we seldom see and were able to see Ruud and Karla’s 3rd daughter who lives in the US. We met her two kids as well and were amazed that they spoke Korean, Dutch and English (Kyana is married to Juheon who is Korean). 

This reality and a conversation with others on this day about grandkids and language helped to convince Scott that it would be good to speak some Dutch to granddaughter Sophia. And then we are very thankful for technology and how it helps us with conversations. Scott has started sending short video’s to Sophia (often in Dutch) to keep in touch. Thankfully, we were also able to see Sophia on our last video call with Stephan. 

And video calls have been good for many of our conversations. Every other Tuesday we have a Bible study online with the English speakers in the congregation. One of our sisters who moved to France with her husband has also been able to join in online for her Bible questions. Technology can be amazing and we are very thankful for these opportunities. 

And still, sometimes meeting face-to-face is the best or only way to have a conversation. Our old neighbor is currently in prison in Antwerp. We cannot call him or send an email, although he can call us sometimes. So Scott makes time to visit him in prison and encourage him however possible. Mostly this is in letting him know that he is not alone and sharing the things we have been studying in the Bible (this neighbor used to come to our home Bible studies). This last weekend Scott was also able to vote for this neighbor since he could not go (using a power of attorney). 

We are thankful for every moment that we get to talk to our sons, daughters-in-love and our granddaughter as well as all of our brothers and sisters in Christ and family members. Short messages via social media channels, or even simply making a call. Taking time to talk brings us together. How do you stay connected? 

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