Tuesday, December 06, 2005

November Newsletter

Light in the Lowlands
Reaching out to the people of Belgium and the Netherlands

November 2005

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:8-10

Dear brothers and sisters, family and friends,
For “current” news
Those of you who have a computer and would like to keep up on what’s happening we have begun a blog at: ravenraab.blogspot.com I am trying to update this at least once a week and it often includes pictures. We look forward to “seeing” you there. For those without computers, I am so sorry that we cannot be closer, but we so enjoy all of the contact we are able to have through your letters, cards and phone calls.
Preaching and teaching

We are so thankful for the opportunities that God continues to give us to talk about how great He is. I have mentioned before that I have never considered myself a preacher. I am trained as a teacher and enjoy that type of contact and interaction. But God has been able to use me here as a preacher as well! I always have to think of Mozes and his reluctance to speak. God said that He, God, had made Mozes’ mouth and knew whether he could talk or not. This month I trusted God once again as I spoke at “home” in Maastricht as well as one Sunday in The Hague. I am not often gone on a Sunday, but it was good to see the members in the Hague once again and be encouraged by their faith as well.
In Maastricht my studies with Gerard, Cor and Titia and Mieke continued as did the Wednesday studies with the members and regular visits to the Bible study with the international students. It has been exciting to see how the young people are growing in knowledge and faith during our Wednesday studies. This month has also been a time of prayer - it is sooo good to hear young people pray when they know what is going on. Please include them in your needs! God has taught me so much through them.
Church news

You have also been praying for Ruud and Karla. Ruud was finally able to come home after about a month in the hospital. He now has several more pieces of metal in his hips and may be getting more soon. Continue to pray as he continues to struggle with the pain and the desire to do more - which he cannot do.
And still, it is this family’s love for God that has continued to shine. Ruud knows his priorities and doesn’t want to miss any time with God’s family. So he is present, even if it takes some extra effort. His daughters realize that it is now time for them to lend their strength as well (and that they have strength!) None of us would say that we want adversity, but it is so amazing to see what God can do with it.
It was also exciting to see how Nel used her birthday as an opportunity to show people God’s love and grace. She invited friends and family to worship with the church here. We sang, prayed, worshipped, drank coffe and tea, had a great lunch together and shared as a family does. This continues to touch the people in Nel’s life who do not know God.

- Nel's birthday -

Most of the month has been spent in preparation for the concert on the 10th of December. We have five other concerts in addition to the one in Maastricht, but this one is of course special for us.

It has been especially exciting because we know that several of our neighbors will be attending. This is a real opportunity to speak of the good news. We pray that this will continue into the new year as well. Continue to pray that we will speak as God gives us opportunity, not only in word but in all that we do.

Please keep the following in your prayers.
- Continue to pray for: Cor and Titia, Mali and Desiree, Mieke, Gerard and Angelique. Yvonne and Roger continue to come regulalry. Pray that they can seriously consider putting their trust in God who continues to help them. Pray also for Noël and Anita.

- Cor and Titia -

- Continue to pray for Ruud and Karla. Ruud had back surgery but is struggling with the rehabilitation. He may need some more pins put in. We thank God for the strength that they are to us and the church here.
- Pray for the contacts that will be made during the concert on December 10. Many of our friends and neighbors will be present and will hear the gospel in song. Pray that we can continue to present this good news.

Hit it!
Both Sean and Stephan are in a ping-pong club (‘table tennis’ to be formal). They practice twice a week and started competitions this Fall. Both of the guys are non-ranked players. The next rank up is an E6. When the guys go to a competition, it may be with kids their own age, but it could just as well be with adults (who are either non-ranked or Esomethings).
In the most recent competition Stephan was able to win all of his games. He even won two against two E6’s., so he is pretty happy. Sean has also started winning and is enjoying the competitions.
What sports do you play in a club? What sports do you like to play at home? Lte us know.
e-mail Stephan at: waab4075@tiscali.be
e-mail Sean at: dudeis2cool4u@hotmail.com

On the family side . . .

It didn’t seem possible, but some of November was better, weather-wise, than the summer months. We were all walking around with short sleeves and enjoying the beauty of the Fall colors at the same time. But this is Belgium and it is November, so of course we finally landed in Fall (and almost fell directly into Winter ;-). We have also watched anxiously as the weather has hit some of you quite hard and have prayed for your safety and strength. It is so encouraging to see how children of the King reach out quickly and completely - thanks for the example!
This month Scott got an opportunity once again to read a book at the community library. He is one of several “readers” who on special days read book sout loud for children who come to the library. This time he chose a book about the Fall and one about givng. Since ‘Sinter Klaas’ was just around the corner (St. Nicolas’ birthday is December 6 and is celebrated as the day to give gifts to children), a book about real giving was fun. Don’t know if it is in English, but the story was called “The red package” and was great fun to read for the kids.
Stephan regularly visits the library and gets some books on any new topic that has taken his fancy. Recently he has renewed his interest in chess once again. He watched “Searching for Bobby Fischer” (great movie if you’ve never seen it). borrowed a computer chess player fromRuud,and got out the chessboard to play with Sean. Not that he has much time right now. Both he and Sean are rounding up and getting ready for exams in December. Lots of homework and studying. Still, one has to take a break every once in a while.

- study time -

When Sean takes a break it is to play soccer. We have always beenthankful for our livingroom. It is actually two rooms which, since we have our furniture in such a way as to create a long section, is perfect for simple soccer games. Of course a real ball is of limits, but a little, soft ball only helps develop your dribbling skills. So whenever he gets a chance (and Papa can make the time) he shoots a few goals or plays a quick game. He is still planning on becoming a professional soccer player. At the moment, however, he is enjoying livingroom soccer (don’t try this at home unless you have your parents’ permission!)

- home soccer -

Since Europe doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, it takes some doing to get it done over here. We usually get together with Americans and Canadians (who also celebrate Thanksgiving, but on another day – even another month!) and anyone who likes the idea of Thanksgiving (which is a surprisingly? large group of people). Since most of us can’t get off on a Thursday, it is usually a weekend in the neighborhood of Thanksgiving – which usually ends up being in December. But this year it was only two days away from the “real” Thanksgiving.
Even more exciting for us is that we were able to visit with family on the very day. We called Scott’s sister where most of Scott’s family was congregated and talked a good while on the phone.
We have learned how good it is to have family all over the world. That is an amazing gift and we are going to enjoy it tremendously – even after Thanksgiving!

- For the comments and emails on the blog
- For your prayers encouragement
- For your continued support without which we could not continue!

What’s coming up?
Christmas concerts
Church family get-together
Concert follow-up
Youth weekend in Haarlem
Camp meeting


  1. Aren't blogs wonderful things? You can keep up with other's work and well being and feel closer to them. My love to each one of you and of course, I'll pray.

    Love's prayers,


  2. Dottie,
    It is so good knowing that you are there, praying, thinking along with us, enjoying and encouraging - not only us but others as well. Thanks!

  3. Greg,
    Thanks for the prayers. I have become aware how one can go from one blog to another etc. I may in the future write more often, but it will never be every day - that would give me ryfqkn of the fingers or something, I'm sure.
