Friday, February 09, 2007

Shirley's neck

Shirley's neck
Originally uploaded by sraabs.
We got the results from the tests on Shirley's neck today. She has some advanced arthroses (wear and tear) of the neck. This is bothersome and rather early for her. More to the point, it may have also contributed to the real problem.

She also has three hernia's (a bulging of the stuff in between the disks) - between C5-C6, C6-C7 and between C7-D1. A hernia is not a problem on its own if it doesn't push agains a nerve. Unfortunately, that is exactly what is happening with two of Shirley's hernias. So the hernias are causing pain, causing the feeling in her arm to go away and even at times causing a loss of motor function.

She will continue to take it easy, take some medicine to reduce the swelling and some pain medication to be able to sleep at night. She is still able to function fairly normally during the day (the doctor's words), but should refrain from things that hurt.

A bit frustrating realizing that the arthroses is already present, but also nice to know that this isn't all in your head (although WE knew that!). The hernia can be reduced (the swelling) so that it doesn't push on the nerve, but this takes a long time. Thanks for your prayers. Continue to pray for comfort and courage.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some pretty impressive pictures Shirley. Know that you are in our prayers. We hope the pain and frustration goes away, and that life can return somewhat to normal soon.
