I know it has been a while since I wrote. It's not that life has not continued, but that I haven't had much access to my computer (and that other things were more important at the time). But let me update you a little bit - and thanks for checking in anyway - even when nothing was happening over here!
We have been doing our best to cram all that we need to get done into the few weeks we have in the summer, along with cramming as much time together as a family before Stephan heads off to Harding. It hasn't been easy, considering there are so many different priorities. Sean just recently realized how quickly the time was passing and commented, "Stephan's leaving in a week!" I reminded him that he had already known that. "Yeah!" he said, "but Stephan's leaving in a week!"
Before that had hit home, however, we had spent some time together - mostly around the area of Cologne, Germany.
So we spent some time there, first without Stephan, then on another day when he could come along. Sean bought his guitar and the second time was near Scott's birthday - so he arranged one as well.
And guitars are no fun unless you play them, so Sean got right to work. He has enjoyed playing - all day long if need be. And it has been neat to see him teaching others how to play as well (even though he has only taught himself to play). Down at Family Camp we even got to play together. What a great time!
Thank you for sharing 'life'. God bless Stephan and Sean as they mature and He uses them in different ways.