Monday, April 18, 2011

Enjoying the struggle

About a month ago our car “died”. There are times when things go wrong with your car that you simply fix them. But there is a moment when the costs outweigh the benefits. We were long past that moment with this car (which had served us well for about 5 years). The motor stopped and it was going to cost more than what the car was worth simply to figure out what was wrong. So we were suddenly car-less.

It’s amazing how much your life is planned around your mobility. We live in a village. There is a supermarket fairly close by. We can walk or bike there. But of course you have to be able to carry what you purchase. Sean still needed to get to school, but we had a bicycle for that. All of Scott’s appointments, however are in Maastricht, which is seven kilometers away. Sunday mornings are then also a challenge.

But challenges can bring out the best in people. Before we had much of a chance to even ask for help, help had been offered on all sides. Brothers and sisters in Christ made sure to pick us up on Sunday mornings. We were offered the use of a car from colleagues in Antwerp. And when the bus schedule didn’t work out, someone was there to get us home. It is so exciting to see the desire to help. It is an immense comfort and encouragement.

For daily tasks we still needed a way to get around and we were pleasantly surprised by the offer of a moped from a friend. He offered the moped, with helmet and a tank of gasoline (and we all know what is happening with the price of gas). Of course a moped brings certain challenges as well, but more about that another time.

In the meantime we also were presented with financial help from various sources close by and far away so that we could purchase another car. Finding the right one is a task in itself, and we were thankful for the help of our brother in Christ, Jan Blaakmeer. Hours of driving around looking at possible cars, hours of scouring the internet and calling in various languages about cars finally resulted in a good find.

When this first began, the day that the car broke down, you wonder what will happen. But, to be honest, I was mostly intrigued to see how God would use this time. We have seen how he takes care of things, how he turns struggles into triumph. And this was a simple, everyday problem. The question was never IF it would be solved, but HOW and what we could learn along the way. It has been wonderful to see God’s hand in all of this. Although it may seem strange to say it, we are thankful for the struggle. James put it this way: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds.”


  1. It was interesting to hear all the different options you were presented with for getting around. Glad you found something.

    It is good when we can back off from the problem and be patient to see how it will all work out.

    God bless y'all!!!

  2. ummm, so what car did you end up with. I realize that is not important compared to the information you shared in the post, but I am pretty curious.

  3. I like your perspective: "intrigued to see how God would use this time." It seems like the "bad things" are simply the stage on which He will ultimately present good things.
    By the way, nice ride!
