Friday, June 10, 2011

Thank you!

Our car
Originally uploaded by sraabs.
You heard us call for help and you responded! Thank you so much for being willing to help us out financially with a car. I talked a little bit about the joys of struggle while looking for a car - this is the one we found.
Sean likes the tinted windows along the back since he was convinced that the sun always had it in for him and somehow only shone through his window. Now he is protected.
This car has plenty of space - even though it is technically a smaller car than the one we had. I have already put bikes in it, helped people move, and taken things to the dump. The motor is set to go since we changed the timing belt this past week - ready for another 150,000 kilometers.
Thank you again for your willingness to sacrifice, to help, to share. It is so exciting to experience these things in the family of the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. What a great point, Scott. There is so much I keep learning about prayer—learning to appreciate the depth of our privilege in talking to God. This is well put and really struck a chord with me. Thanks!
