Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The other day we were able to talk with our son, Stephan, and his wife, Natalie in Ohio. Technology is truly a wonderful thing. We were able to see each other and talk about their new life together. It seems just a few years ago that Stephan was a little boy climbing trees. Now he is a husband, starting a life together with his wife, planning their future together.
With children it is easier to see the truth that all we have is borrowed. Children are not ‘ours’ and that becomes clear when they leave home and start their own life. We never did own them; they were given into our care for a short time so that we could help them grow in their faith. They were given to us for a short time so that they could help us grow in our faith.
Everything we ‘have’ is actually on loan. It is not ours. We don’t ‘have’ anything. Our bodies do not belong to us. When the time comes, they will return to the earth from which they were formed. As Christians we should understand this completely. ‘This world is not my home, I’m just a passing through’. Our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit; we are not our own, we were purchased with a price. Our possessions, wealth, houses, abilities – all are given to us by God for a time so that He can bless others through us. We are here so that righteousness is seen in the world, bringing glory to God (Titus 2:11-12).
So, what we have is not ‘wrong’ or ‘broken’ or anything else. If we have it, God can use it – if we allow Him to. Now, if I were renting this, I might run the risk of not valuing it properly. How carefully do we deal with a rental car, or the tools we rent from the hardware store? After all, they’re insured aren’t they? And I didn’t buy them. But I didn’t rent these things in my life. I didn’t pay anything. They have been given me to use – they are borrowed. It’s not ‘just’ a rental car – you know the owner. You are borrowing it and need to give it back. So I take care and cherish that which has been given me, knowing that it is given with a purpose.
Enjoy the moments you have with all that you have, no matter how much or little it is. God can do amazing things with what He has given us, much more than we can do with the same things. 

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