Friday, July 26, 2024

Bible camp birthdays

Since Saturday last we have been down at camp. This was actually posted early, along with the Wednesday post, because I knew that we would not be able to post normally. This time of year is always busy with Bible camp - and it is often the time that I get to celebrate my birthday. 

I remember as a kid that I was alternately happy and sad that my birthday was not during the school year, but instead during the summer vacation. That meant that no one from school really knew that it was my birthday. It also meant that I didn’t get to celebrate it in any way with school mates. But on the other hand, I didn’t have to celebrate it with anyone I didn’t really want to. So that was a blessing. 

Here in Belgium (and in the Netherlands as well) birthdays are times for the birthday boy or girl to invite people over and serve them. One should usually stay at home because people will be calling to wish one a Happy Birthday. This who come over (and they are often expected to simply come over) are to be welcomed and served coffee and tea along with cake - by the birthday boy or girl. When you are young you bring small treats for the whole class if your birthday is during the school year. 

I have seldom had to do any of this. That is because I am usually down at Bible camp on my birthday. The Benjamin week is usually the 4th week of July, which would include my birthday. Although I do not always direct the Benjamin week (or teach), I have done for quite some years. In fact, the first summer we arrived I taught the Benjamins. 

This year Benjamin Camp starts on Saturday, July 27. So I will have welcomed the campers with a small treat and they will probably have sung for me. There will be others during the week who also celebrate their birthday. The beauty of such a day is that you are with good friends in a beautiful place celebrating a life with and in God’s love. 

In the congregation in Maastricht we pray and sing for those who have celebrated a birthday the week before the Sunday. Of course I will miss “my” Sunday since we will be at camp. But I expect I will still be “put in the circle” the Sunday after we get back from camp. It is good to know that we are part of family in so many places. And it is exciting to know that God is willing to have used us and still uses us in so many ways wherever we are. 

The photo is of my birthday in 2012. I am the crazy guy with the crown. You can see more photo’s of that week by clicking on the photo)

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