Monday, July 01, 2024


June 29, 2023 was the first day of Sophia’s life out of the womb and in the world. It was an amazing entrance. A storm caused the electricity to fall out in the middle of the birth, so Natalie had to continue in emergency lighting. Then a c-section had to be performed and it wasn’t the easiest of c-sections. But finally Sophia was there. 

We were so thankful for this little girl’s coming into our family. Our first grandchild. We had been with Stephan and Natalie just a few weeks prior but were back in Belgium by the time Sophia was born. IN the past year we have fed hungrily on every single picture that was shared. We thrilled at every little moment we could see her while on a video call with Stephan. 

And now it was time. We have spent some wonderful days getting to know this amazing little girl. She laughs and smiles with abandon, waving coquettishly and vigorously shaking her head “no”, although she probably doesn’t yet know that is what it means. 

Sean and Jill arrived on Friday from New York City to celebrate as well. They brought their little dog, Pierre, with them. Pierre got to know Stephan and Natalie’s two dogs - Mochi and Teddy. More importantly, Sophia got to meet Pierre. Sophia loves finding doggies. It’s one of her favorite things. 

Saturday was Sophia’s big day - she turned 1 year old. All of Natalie’s family were there, including Sophia’s cousins, Lilly and Lila. There was lots of conversation for the adults. There was birthday cake for Sophia. She was rather dainty in comparison to some 1 year-olds and their cake eating. She did not like the whipped cream, giving a sour look and a quick shiver of the shoulders. 

In the end we had some wonderful conversations, got pictures of all of the families together with the birthday girl, and enjoyed the time together. Someone had remarked that I of course would have written a song for her for this special day. I had not thought of it until the comment, so sat down and got something ready that could be easily repeated and used for all of those who love her every day. It has been fun singing it to her each day and seeing her eyes light up at hearing it.  

We are so thankful that we were able to share this special time with our granddaughter and our family. It is exciting to get to know her better each day. We look forward to the last few days we have together before heading back to Belgium. And we look forward to the coming video moments when she will know who we are, who she is talking to (or who is talking to her). 

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