Monday, August 12, 2024

Family Camp

This week I will be down at Family camp every morning for the lessons. We are blessed to live fairly close to camp - about an hour away. This means that I can just drop down to camp and head home to my own bed in the evening. I want to be present for the lessons and some of the afternoons when I can. It is always good to see different groups of people at this camp week. 

On Friday I will present two lessons on Prisca and on Deborah. The whole week is focused on what women in the Bible can teach us. It is always encouraging at this week of camp that we can have extended conversations about the lessons throughout the day. There is of course time to play or take part in some activities, but people also enjoy discussing what has been taught and what it means for our lives every day. 

Somewhere near the end of the week there will also be a “Bonteavond” which is the talent show for the week. This is also always a fun time to incorporate campers who perhaps would not take part in such activities. It is a time of singing, play acting and just goofing off. If this is on Thursday or Friday I may be able to participate. The ;ast two years I have helped an elephant trainer for this show.

On Friday evening there is always a campfire - if the weather permits it. During the older teen camp, the campfire was rained out. This meant that their already built stack of wood was left for the Benjamins. But the evening of the Benjamin campfire was also almost rained out. The teen camp was a week of basically dry weather and they had a great campfire as well. So I hope that the Family camp will simply be able to enjoy their fire and the fellowship that goes with it. 

On Thursday I will offer a discgolf tournament and have already had some campers mention that they are waiting for that day and activity. It was fun this morning to see some people we only see at this week but also to see some of the kids we had at Benjamin Camp. Hugs from thankful campers are always welcome. And it looks like this is a great week of many families - tents all spread around the field. 

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