Monday, August 26, 2024

On the family side

In the middle of this month we were blessed to see Sean and Jill again. We had seen them for a weekend when we were visiting in Indianapolis for our granddaughter, Sophia’s first birthday. The whole family was together for three days in June. Now we got to see Sean and Jill again as they came to Belgium to visit friends that they had not seen in a few years. 

We have also enjoyed being able to video visit with Stephan and Nathalie. When we were visiting them in June they gifted us a digital picture frame which means that they can add pictures of Sophia on their end and we see them immediately on our end. Most recently we were able to see that Sophia is walking. She was just testing out standing when we saw her last. 

Technology is a real blessing in keeping us connected. Shirley is still connected daily to her sister who is struggling with her health in Nebraska. The 7 hour time difference sometimes means that Shirley takes her phone to bed with her, hoping to hear news that will come in at what will be the afternoon in Omaha. But it is good to be able to have information. We of course remember a time when letters or phone calls were the only ways to communicate.

Thank you for your prayers for our family. Praise God for good health and growing families. Continue to ask for healing and strength in the situation surrounding Shirley's sister..

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