Monday, January 20, 2025

For kings and all those in authority

Some days seem bigger than others, but all days belong to the Lord. One of the things that hit me again last year was how little we all know of what is going on in the world and how important things can be for others. Our congregation in Maastricht is quite international, so we hear of things happening all over the world. And we pray for God’s guidance and strength each and every day. 

Elections in Belgium and Netherlands can lead to changes in government. Or the government can still be struggling to form, in the case of Belgium. Wars and conflicts are taking place not only in Ukraine, but also in Syria, Sudan, and many other places. A combination of government and dangerous struggles is present in Kenya or Ecuador. And we (in Maastricht and perhaps for you as well) have family in each of these places. 

We pray for leaders in Brazil, in Iran, Syria, Sudan or the Philippines. We think about what is happening in Germany or Italy, Ecuador or Venezuela, Suriname or the United States. We are part of a body that is around the world and active in all of these places. And it is good to bring each of these places and situations before our Lord in prayer. 

It may seem repetitive or maybe useless, wondering if world leaders, kings and queens, dictators and tyrants are ever going to listen. But God - our King of kings - has asked us to pray for these leaders and situations, reminding us that He is truly in control. We are not the ones who know what is happening or what can happen (despite all the people telling us their opinions about what is going to happen). 

As “big” things are happening in the world, father and mothers are still trying to be good parents, showing their children what God looks like and what is most important in life. Neighbors are still looking for help and people still want to know more about Jesus and why He is called the Christ. Our Father is still in control of each and every moment, and we can give Him these moments every day. 

Today will influence many - not necessarily because of political changes - because God is working through each of us in all of our various places and moments. We want to live for Him and we pray for leaders and kings that we will be able to live in peace. 

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.

1 Timothy 2:1-4

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