Monday, January 06, 2025

Looking ahead in trust

At the end of a year, we tend to look back and see where we have come, how far we have come. At the beginning of the year we look ahead to see where we are going. Both positions can disconcerting. Did we get as far as we had hoped or expected? Where in the world are we headed? But in both places it is good to remember first to whom we belong. 

One of the most encouraging things that we can see, looking back at the past year, is that several people who were struggling with their faith have found strength in God and have returned to the family. They, too, had many moments of struggling, thinking, wondering. And in the end the love of God and the encouragement from the family in Maastricht touched their heart and gave them courage to return. We look forward to seeing them grow in the coming year and becoming part of the encouragement that God brings through this family. 

Although we never know how God is working in people's hearts, we always pray that God will bring the people we are talking to and meeting with to Him and His salvation. Some of our conversations in the past year were very difficult and disappointing. We are all struggling with being the people we believe God desires and following His Word as truth in our lives. But this is not always easy. These types ion conversations will continue in the coming year, but we are thankful that we are still talking. 

In this new year we already have several new people who have shown and stated their desire to know more about life in Christ. We are looking forward to the ways that God will use us and them to help us all to grow in faith and love. We would love to know you are praying for us and all the people with whom we speak this year. We want to present the good news as it should be presented, having courage to speak when we should. 

As usual, we look forward to plenty of activities in this coming year, including several that will be organized by the congregation in Maastricht. In just a few weeks I will be at the annual meeting of the camp board. This summer Shirley and I will be directing a week of camp (the oldest youth, 15-20 year-olds). In May the congregation will organize another youth day and somewhere along the way we are looking at organizing a singing workshop again (we haven’t organized one of these since before Corona days). 

Most importantly, we know that whatever we are doing we can only do with the strength of God in our lives. We want to keep a focus on Him in all that we do. The congregation will be working through the gospels in the first 4 months of the year (thanks to our supporting congregation at Woodbury). Several of the young families are looking forward to the opportunity to do this with their kids as well. We all want to know that no matter what comes at us in this year, we are walking in the light with the One and Only King of kings. 

(a group went to see a movie together at the beginning of the year; 4 are not pictured)

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