Monday, May 08, 2006

Just sing it!

- in a cavern, in a canyon . . . -

This past week I was in the recording studio with Listen Up!, the a cappella group I sing with to spread the gospel. We are recording our second cd, this time in Antwerp in a studio called “Cavern’. It is in the basement of the YWCA in downtown Antwerp.

It has been amazing to see how intense this can be. The setting is interesting: in the middle of a week of beautiful weather we are downstairs in the dark focusing on the songs we have written together, focusing on how we sing them, how we sound, how we work together. It’s amazing how much we all learn from this.

- listening intently -

We have mentioned several times that we weren’t even aware of what the others usually sang in a song. When we sing together it just sounds right and we play off of each other. In the studio we have to sing each voice separately (or at least, that is how we are doing it). Suddenly you hear what a beautiful soprano or alto part has been hiding in the song.

Part of that scares me to death. Suddenly I can hear what my voice really sounds like. And I have to really sing what I am supposed to sing – can’t hide behind a bunch of voices. Even your breathing is evident. (Gets me thinking about how we live. Nothing is really hidden, and we can look pretty good until the focus is put on everything we do.) That is when the studio guy, a Norwegian Antwerpenaar named Kjell, says, “Just sing it.”

- taking a break (in the sun) with Kjell -

And that’s what we have to do. Don’t pay attention to the surroundings, your worries about your voice or anything else. Kjell knows why we sing these songs, even though he may not be completely interested. We need to just sing about what we know to be true – and it comes out right. And that’s what we need to do in life as well. Just keep doing your best, focusing on what the meaning is. Just sing it.

- Rob singing it like it is -


  1. The singing sounds fun. Justin and I are singing with 120 others this Friday night. So we can screw up all we want.

    I love seeing the Herons too. They are often all alone, out in the fields.

    Keep on singing!


  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Can't wait to hear the finished product!!! I know it'll be great!

    Love you guys!

  3. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Hi Scott,
    I've been catching up on your blog. I appreciate your thoughts about how the whole recording studio thing can be a metaphor for our lives. I think there are many ways that Christians focus on details and miss the big picture. I've enjoyed studying I John lately and its big picture view. One of the lessons I take away from I John is that we shouldn't focus on our own failings so much that we miss what God has done and can do in our lives. So I think John would heartily endorse the sentiment, "Just sing it!"--and don't get paralysis of analysis.
    David Cron
