Saturday, May 27, 2006

Work Camp

Camp is an important part of our work here. We have four weeks each summer and a weekend in the Fall and Winter where we get together to learn, encourage and grow. Camp has always been a place for all of us because it is a place from all of us. Almost everyone can tell some story about what has happened there or how they helped in making this place.

Each Ascension holiday (when everyone here has a very long weekend from Thursday through Sunday), a group heads on down to camp to clean, fix and basically get ready for the summer. It’s usually a messy time (we have to clean out the gutters, sweep away the cobwebs and clean up the mouse droppings), but also a good time for fellowship. I still vividly remember conversations held on the roof of the dormitory while cleaning off the moss – conversations about who God is and why one would want to follow Him.

This weekend Stephan and I went down to see what we could help with. As you can see it was a bit wet (reminds me of a commercial here from Pearl eyewear: sound of raining in the background and the announcer says “So – it’s summer in Belgium again.”). But since I was working with thr group trying to get the gutter along the road fixed, this was perfect – we could see quite well where the water would run. Later in the day, after shoveling and dumping mud, we were all pretty well ready to stop.

- shoveling 'dirt'? -

This was a special weekend too. We hope to begin this Fall on the renovation of our bilding here – so this may be the last summer that it looks like this.

- the soon-to-be 'old' meeting hall -

Soon it will have a second floor, we will be able to keep it warm in the off-season and we will be able to use it even more for the chuches than we can now. We are excited about the possibilities!

- our 'creek' this weekend -

It was a great weekend. Those of you who have been to camp here before know exactly what we are talking about. And those of you who haven’t yet been – don’t let the rain scare you off. It’s only water (and mud) and although the mud may stay in your clothes, it’s the fellowship that stays in your heart. So come on over!


  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Hmm...I'm trying to decide if I can honestly say I wish I had been there. ;) The fellowship would have been nice! Hope you have some great weeks this summer!!

    Love you all lots!

  2. I sure missed out! I wish I could have been there. Work camp is one of my favorite times each year. However, because you guys were there and worked so hard I was able to give my wife some walls for our bathroom, so she can have some privacy when nature calls. I look forward to next year already!
