Sunday, April 21, 2024

Mighty is our God

This past weekend several members of the church in Maastricht organized a Youth Day. We do this for our own kids, but also so that our kids can see their friends from around the country - many they have met during a Bible camp week or other youth activity. We planned our youth day in the middle of the country so that more kids could come (Maastricht is in the fa South-West corner of the region). And we prayed for good weather so that we could have the kids outside as well. 

As the day approached, the weather was looking horrid. We had some summer days the week before which got everyone’s spirits and hopes high. But then the real April weather returned. We do, after all, live in Belgium where rain is quite normal. The weather report on the day didn’t look great. 

But we are used to being flexible as well and our theme was how mighty God is. So we trusted that we would be able to do whatever we were planning - in one way or another. And that was how things worked out. The kids arrived, all of us wearing jackets because of the cold, but it stayed dry while we worked through the first part of the day. And what amazing views we had of God’s might and beauty. The trees and flowers were in bloom, the rain clouds waiting in the distance were imposing and we could hear the birds all around us. 

The lessons on the day came from Isaiah 40 which begins with a comforting of Israel, letting them know that He, their God will save. Our God is mighty to save and knows what we experience. It was fun to be able to do plenty of object lessons with the kids, helping to show the truths that we were learning. I had them as teams make a goalie. But of course the goalie couldn’t keep the simplest ball from going in the goal. Most of them could not even get to the goal (one was helped by the team). Why do we think that we can make God, but forget that He made us? 

Later in the second lesson (inside), an object lesson showed that although some things can keep us stable, only God can keep us stable all the way. A bottle of water on a string, a toothpick and two matches proved this point. A very clear lesson for everyone there. In the meantime the teens were upstairs talking about God’s might that can be seen in creation. The example was the most recent eclipse (which we didn’t really hear that much about over here, but the kids knew about). 

The questions in Isaiah resounded throughout the day: Haven’t you heard? Didn’t you know? He is God eternal! We are thankful for our wonderful God, our Saviour and for these kids who want to know about Him. Pray for them and their hearts that they will remember the things they are learning not only from these sort of youth activities, but also from their parents and those around them in the church. We were thankful that we could host two young men whose parents are not members of the church, who do not come from a believing home. 

Next weekend we are looking forward to going to a day with Mike Houts, a NASA scientist, who will talk about science and God. We are thankful for people who are willing to speak truth in a world where truth is hard to find. And we are thankful for people who are looking to hear truth and willing to hear that truth in God. And for our brothers and sisters willing to organize activities like this and the youth days we are able to use to encourage our young people. 

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  Isaiah 40:28-29

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