Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Where oh Where Wednesday: Grotten van Remouchamp

Every summer we organize summer Bible camp weeks for various ages. There is a Youth group for those aged 15 and above, a Benjamins group for 8-11 year-olds, a Teen group for the 12-14 year-olds and a Family camp for all ages and any who want to come. In addition we have been trying for years to get a Young Adults group started and the various congregations use camp for retreats and more. We have expanded in the last years to include a Vacation Bible Camp twice a year as well as a Fall Camp (during the Fall break for Belgian schools) and a Winter Camp at the end of the year for the older youth. The camp weeks will begin in July. 

During the normal summer weeks the camp leaders of the different weeks try to find activities that fit the group and the budget. We have always tried to make sure that coming to camp is well within everyone’s budget. At the same time, we want to make it a fun time learning about God, getting to make new friends and seeing old friends, and experiencing God’s nature. Camp is situated in a wonderful area to the Ardennes. I have talked about that before on this blog. 

There are all sorts of activities in the area, including mountain biking, a waterfall, a dam with an amazing huge statue, castles, ancient European cities and ruins, the highest point in Belgium, an old mine with a tour, and lots of walks through all sorts of nature. One of the interesting outings that we do with the camp weeks is to the caves of Remouchamp.

These caves were first discovered in 1828 and have been a tourist attraction since 1912. When we take a group there, we are taken on a tour around the cave in two parts: the first part is done on foot and includes a visit to a huge cathedral like area. The whole walk and area is full of stalactites and stalagmites. As you continue the tour, you climb into a boat and fare the Rubicon river through the rest of the cave system. The site of the caves declares that this is the longest underground river in the world. 

It is an exciting visit and gives plenty to talk about, including how such formations come to be and how this fits with God’s creation. 

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