Monday, June 03, 2024

Growing in grace

It is always exciting to see kids grow up. If you have known them for a long time (like since they were a baby), you see them learn to talk, learn to p[ay attention, start going to school and all the rest. You also see them grow in stature. Luke says Jesus grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). That  is wonderful to see in our young people. 

One of our young men is just 13 but is almost (almost, not yet, you see) taller than I am. We check every week when we see one another. But it is also good to see how he and the other young people in the congregation are growing in knowledge and wisdom as well. We want them to know and understand the wonderful grace of our loving Father. And this is not just with our youngest ones. It is also good to see our older teens and 20 somethings growing. 

As mentioned before, we have a games day every 2nd Sunday. This is not digital games, but board games. It is a great time to be together, talk together and have fun. It has been fun to see the group that usually stays - it is a cross-section of the congregation. There are a few of us older folks, the young Ukrainian couple and some of the younger teens. This reinforces our family, helping us to get to know one another better.

It has also been great to be able to get together with our English speaking members. There is a group of 20-somethings who all speak English (and some are learning Dutch). We get together for a Bible study on Tuesdays when it works for all to be there (about every two weeks). This is a group of Ghanians, Ukrainians and Americans. It is wonderful to see their hunger for the word of God and their discussions about God’s will in their lives. 

We started a few weeks ago with showing some video’s on Sunday after services for the younger guys who are interested in some scientific evidences and discussions about God. This group sits in a corner, glued to the screen and the words being shared. Then there is a lively discussion afterwards. It is great to see. 

This Friday we will hold our first Friday singing again. The last time this has been with a smaller group since the French-speakers have not been able to come. But it is still nice to be able to learn new songs. I recently translated three songs from English to Dutch and hope to get them recorded soon so that others in the congregations can learn them and use them. I was also able to write two new short songs based on Bible texts - one was for the Vacation Bible Camp, the other for our youth day. The first has already been recorded and is online. I hope to get the other up fairly soon as well. 

Next weekend, just before we head out for our quick US trip, we will hold another Thank Walk. This is an opportunity to meet the neighbors, share the beauty of thankfulness and just know and see how beautiful God is in His nature - even around the building in the city. Our building is on the edge of the city, so there are several nice walks. And as the weather gets better (although it is still mostly rain now), the walks show even more beauty. 

With each of these activities, it has been so good to see the various members of the church growing in wisdom and grace and favor with God and man. We are so thankful for the way that God puts family together, forming us into His body, able to do amazing things with His Spirit. I am reminded daily of our theme this year: “You are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household… “ (Eph. 2:19)

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