Monday, June 24, 2024

On the family side - in Indianapolis

Last Monday we were flying. Shirley is just recently returned from a short but intense visit to her sick sister, but now it is time to travel for a much happier reason. We finally get to meet our granddaughter, Sophia. We are looking forward to being able to get to know her a little bit in the 2 weeks we will be there. 

Sophia Ruby was born June 29, 2023, just after we had visited. We were in Indianapolis in the middle of May and Sophia arrived at the end of June. We have been thankful for every single photograph we receive. And every once in a while, especially as she is getting older, she is awake when we video-call our son. Since there is a 6 hour difference, we call at their lunchtime. 

The month before we traveled we were able to wave and say hello again via the computer. She was a happy little baby and was clearly learning how to wave, flapping with her fingers as we cooed and laughed through the computer screen. Now we are able to wave and coo and hold her tight. We are enjoying hearing her, seeing her and laughing with her. And of course sharing all these moments with Stephan and Natalie. 

It was exciting recently to be able to congratulate both of them on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. We remember how much our children changed our lives, with all of the challenges and excitements. It still amazes me that God has so designed us that he trusts us for a time with children, teaching us the love of a parent so that we understand Him as well. 

We have also already had an opportunity to see Scott’s brother, Mike and his family. It is good to see the nephews again who are all growing tall and have become young men. On the other side we have also spent time with Natalie’s parents and her sister and brother-in-law. We are able to move around the city and have been blessed with a place to stay thanks to church family who are also so willing to help in so many ways. 

We will be in Indianapolis until July 4 (what a day to fly back to Europe) and are looking forward to all of the time we will be able to share. Sean and Jill are also flying over from New York, so we will all be together on Sophia’s birthday. Not that she will remember any of that. Hopefully, she will simply stick her face in a cake and laugh. But we will enjoy being all together - with this new addition. 

We are so very thankful for the chance to make this trip and for all who have helped to make it possible. 

(This picture is from the last time we were all together in 2018)

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