Tuesday, June 11, 2024


When our boys were young, in primary school, the teachers always made sure that the children did something for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. I remember wearing a paper tie on a Sunday morning because it was made by my son for me for Father’s Day. In Belgium, Father’s Day falls on the second Sunday, so it was celebrated yesterday. 

In the Netherlands and the United States the day is celebrated this year on June 16. This will be our oldest son’s first Father’s Day. His daughter, our first granddaughter, Sophia, will turn one year old at the end of the month. We are thankful that we are able to finally visit and meet the young lady. We arrive in Indianapolis the day after Father’s Day. 

These celebrations always remind me of the many people in my life who have played such an important role. Of course we are so very thankful for our own parents (and I will be congratulating my father as well next week). But as Jesus promised Peter, when we leave all to follow Jesus (and that is what any follower of Jesus truly does), then we find we have hundreds more in our lives. 

My best friend’s father, Ron Carter, was always somewhat of a father to me, teaching me about who Jesus was and what it means to follow Him as well as showing me what a father looks like in a family. When I spent two years as an apprentice to an evangelist, it was he who also influenced my life. He was less of a father figure and more of a teacher, but I learned much from him as well. 

Being a father is more than simply having children. Although I know that I was not the best father in the world, I tried to do what I had learned from the people around me and especially from God’s word. I am aware that the example I was to my boys is what will last longest in their memoires. And it is then that I am also thankful for my Heavenly Father and the grace that He provides. 

Who was influential in your life as a father figure? How important is it to you to know that God is your Father? 

(It is such a joy to have seen and see these boy grow to men). 

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