Sunday, May 26, 2024

Amazing love

As children of God we are witnesses daily to an amazing grace and amazing love of our loving Father. It is exciting to see how this works out among the household of God as well, each of us members of this body of Christ. The last few weeks and this past weekend have been very good examples of this reality. 

This past weekend was a day down at camp for the congregation of Maastricht. Everybody who could make it, planned to get down to camp. This meant that some would offer their car to bring others. Some would take care of coffee and tea when we got there. Our Ukrainian brother, Alexander, had spent the last weeks gathering Bible questions that we would discuss - and he would lead the discussion. All of us brought our hearts for one another and for the Lord. 

Although the weather reports had given rain (not unusual for this time of year in Belgium), everything stayed dry and we even finished the day with beautiful sunshine and warm weather. It was a day of real fellowship: singing to the Lord together, sharing thoughts from the Word of God, helping one another, playing basketball or frisbee or simply having some good conversations. This is a family that truly cares for one another. On Sunday we held our monthly potluck and people stayed again, including a few visitors for the day. 

In the past weeks we have also felt how strong God’s family is all over. On May 5 Shirley got a message that her sister had been taken to hospital in Omaha, Nebraska and probably would not make it through the night. But she did. In the following days and weeks, it has been an up and down struggle with a body that has had top deal with a lot in the last years. 

In these weeks, we asked for prayers and our brothers and sisters around the world have been praying. Sometimes being far away, we feel we can do nothing. But we all can pray. And that is far from nothing. We are so thankful for all who have been praying and continue to pray. Mary (Shirley’s sister) has recovered enough to be able to be operated and moved to a critical care facility where we pray that she can really recover. 

In the meantime, Shirley ahs made plans to fly to Omaha to help and be with her sister. Sisters here have offered to help with costs. Sisters in Omaha have offered to pick Shirley up on Sundays so that she can worship with this wonderful family into which God has placed us.  

Shirley will be in Omaha fro May 27 through June 10, arriving back here on the 11th just in time to get here bag ready to leave again on June 17 for our visit to our new granddaughter. That visit will also be a great meeting of family as we will also get to see Sean and Jill, together with Stephan and Natalie. The last time we were all together was in 2018. 

All of these moments are only possible because of God’s grace and His wonderful family. Thank you for your prayers and support. Thank you for your faithfulness in His family. Isn’t it wonderful to experience in so many ways, every day, this amazing love and wonderful grace! 

(The picture is of our day down at camp. We are missing three others who had already had to leave). 

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