Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Whodunit Wednesday: Joost Klein’s “Europapa”

Today is a holiday in Belgium, but not in the Netherlands. In Belgium `9and Germany) they celebrate May 1 as “Labor Day”. This is for these countries a day to celebrate workers and to enjoy the Spring weather, if it has come. The Netherlands doesn’t have this tradition, so in our area, the roads going into Maastricht are full of Belgian and German cars looking to shop (since the stores in Belgium and Germany are closed). Europe may have no internal borders, but various differences remain.

Around this same time (middel of May) the Eurovisie Songfestival shows up on tv and in the news. Most people can remember how ABBA became a household name and a mega group after winning this competition with the song “Waterloo” back in the 1970’s. It became so popular and the Europe ended up having so many more countries that the competition had to be split up and not every country gets to partake every year. 

This year the Dutch contribution is considered a real contender to win. Joost Klein sings in many languages about “Europapa”. That he sings in various languages is already unique. In some of the beginning years countries were required to present their song in their native language (otherwise there were too many languages in English). This rule was finally completely abolished in 1999. So now any country causing in whatever language they wish. Klein’s song is unique in that it uses many of the various languages of Europe, while poking fun at them as well. 

While many will hear the conglomeration of languages and images as a reference to Europe, the song is also about Klein’s father. So “Europapa” refers to his European “papa” or father. Klein lost his parents when he was young. If Klein wins with his song, the Netherlands will be the hosting country for the contest next year. This year the contest is being held in Sweden who has won the contest 7 times, as has Ireland. The winner from last year is the only female singer to have won twice (she also won in 2012). 

The contest has always been s how of extremes, including the costumes that are worn. Joost Klein will perform in a blue suit (the flag of Europe is blue with yellow stars) and will be flanked by two men - one dressed as a blue bird, the other as a yellow bird. 

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