Monday, May 13, 2024

Work camp

Beautiful weather, a place we all love and a great group of young and older people working together. That is a really good work camp. Every year at the Ascension Day holiday (Thursday and Friday are free days for many people), we get a group together down at camp to get done what needs done before the full summer weeks of camp begin. 

There is always the normal cleaning that needs done and the maintenance of the buildings and terrain. Spiderwebs to be removed, windows to be cleaned, a kitchen to be completely cleaned and lots of grass to be mown. These are the normal tasks. But this year we have some bigger changes that also needed taken care of. 

More than 40 years ago we were able to find a set of beds from the Dutch military. They were changing to longer beds and the ones they had (already longer than normal) were being dropped to whoever might be able to use them. This was perfect opportunity for us as we needed at least 16 bunkbeds for the new dormitory we had built at the time. Now, the beds have more than done their duty and both the beds and mattresses were showing their age. It was time to renew. 

So we have been able to purchase new beds and mattresses. This is a great thought, but it also needs to be done. Break down 32 old metal beds, throw out the old mattresses and build new beds with mattresses in their place. Thankfully we had a very enthusiastic crew. The first evening saw all of the new beds placed after the old ones had been removed. The second day saw the old beds taken off and the mattresses found their way to the recycling park back in my village. 

In the meantime the other most visible project was also taking shape - the new basketball court was getting a lick of paint. Now no one will have to guess where the free-throw line is or if they just scored a 3-pointer. The lines were painted on this newest addition to the camp terrain. Last summer was the first that it could actually be used and it was used immediately and by every single week of camp. Every age has found it fun and useful - if not as a basketball court, then as a great place to sit in the sun. 

We had a young man return for this few days of work who has not been to camp for about 9 years. He worked together with his two young nephews, who can be a handful - as he was when he was their age. We also had the help of 4 young Dutch kids who live in Switzerland and come to camp almost every year. This camp gets into your bones once you have been. 

And that is what we are planning on in the coming years as well. The plans for the coming year are to rebuild the oldest section to include new toilets and showers, a new kitchen and a section of bedrooms above the kitchen for the team leaders. Each year camp is being transformed into a place that can be used more often. And it is being used throughout the year by the various congregations. 

In less than two weeks the congregation in Maastricht will also have a church day down at camp. We are so very thankful for all the people that have made camp what it is throughout the years and for how `god is blessing this tool now as well. 

(Click on the picture for more pictures)

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