Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Where oh Where Wednesday: Texas or Brussels

We are well into Spring, even if the weather here doesn’t quite know what to do yet. We have seen that tornadoes, sun and rain have already been added to the mix in the US. But along with the rain comes the Spring beauty as well. Very soon our cherry tree will begin to bloom and all over flowers are coloring the world. 

In the city of Brussels there is a forest. As you can imagine, people like to visit at all times of the year, escaping the grey of the city for the beauty of nature. At the beginning of Spring in the Halle forest the hyacinths bloom and color the forest with a blue carpet. People come from all around simply to get a glimpse of this beauty or to walk I its serenity (along with the thousands of other people taking a look). 

In Texas the blue bonnets have brought a beautiful blue to the fields around the hill country. These little flowers are famous for the beauty they bring. Such small delights that can bring such great joy simply by showing their faces. Songs have been written, canvases painted, and rolls and rolls of film filled (or memory cards topped up). 

Funny enough, hyacinths, like the ones in Brussels, are in the family of asparagus. This is also coming to harvest. There are no beautiful blue flowers. The white gold of the Netherlands is what this crop is called. It has to be harvested by hand and is a true delicacy. Limburg, the province we live and work in, is where you can really find this tasty bite. I only remember asparagus being green (which is all we had when I was a kid). If you have never tried it white, find a restaurant that serves it and enjoy.  

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